Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Jess Archer Jess Archer
Has spoken at:
And has done the following talks:
Unveiling Laravel Prompts (2023)

Jess Archer presents Laravel Prompts, a new PHP package for creating beautiful and user-friendly CLI prompts. The talk demonstrates various types of prompts (text input, passwords, confirmations, selections) and how they improve upon Symphony's existing prompts with features like validation, placeholders, and better UX. She shows practical examples of how these prompts are being integrated into Laravel's core functionality, including the Laravel installer and artisan commands.

Analyzing Analytical Databases (2024)

Jess Archer presents a detailed comparison between traditional OLTP databases like MySQL and analytical (OLAP) databases, focusing on ClickHouse. She demonstrates performance differences using a Stack Overflow dataset of 60M rows, showing how analytical databases excel at aggregation queries while traditional databases are better for row-level operations. The talk includes live demonstrations of query performance and explains internal workings of column-oriented vs row-oriented database storage.

Becoming a Better Developer by Building Your Own Tools (2021)

Building Better Developer Tools (2023)
No video available
Laravel Pulse: Behind the Scenes (2024)

Nightwatch - The future of monitoring Laravel applications (2025)
No video available
The Laravel developer's guide to Vue SPAs (2019)

Jess Archer shares her experience building a single page application (SPA) with Laravel and Vue.js, focusing on practical solutions to common challenges. She discusses authentication approaches, state management with Vuex, and frontend optimization techniques based on lessons learned while building Giftie Duck, a gift reminder service.

Introducing Laravel Pulse (2023)

Jess Archer presents Laravel Pulse, a new free and open-source performance monitoring and insights tool designed specifically for Laravel applications. The talk demonstrates Pulse's features including monitoring system stats, queues, cache usage, slow queries, and exceptions. She shows how to customize the dashboard, configure sampling rates, and create custom cards while emphasizing Pulse's low overhead and production-readiness.

Laravel Team Q&A (2023)

Laravel Team Q&A (2024)

Building a Service Container From Scratch (2023)
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