Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Tim MacDonald Tim MacDonald
Has spoken at:
And has done the following talks:
Laravel Precognition (2023)

Tim McDonald presents a talk on Laravel validation, focusing on improving user experience. He discusses the evolution from basic server-side validation to client-side validation, and introduces Laravel Precognition as a solution that combines the best of both worlds. The talk emphasizes the importance of considering user experience in validation design, including proper timing of validation messages, forgiving user input, and showing success messages alongside errors.

Expressive Eloquent collections (2019)

Tim McDonald discusses how to make Laravel Eloquent collections more expressive and maintainable. He explores how collections can be extended to better reflect domain language, reduce code duplication, and improve readability. The talk covers moving logic from models to custom collections, sharing filtering APIs between collections and scopes, and rethinking what Eloquent really means as a complete system rather than just models.

Laravel Team Q&A (2023)