Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Talks for "event-sourcing"
Event Sourcing in Laravel with EventSauce

This talk focuses on implementing event sourcing in Laravel applications using the Event Sauce library. The speaker provides a pragmatic approach to event sourcing, demonstrating how to handle pull requests as an example domain. The talk covers the basics of event sourcing, including aggregates, projections, and process managers, while emphasizing practical code examples over theoretical concepts.

Verbs for Laravel

Daniel Coulbourne gives a talk about verbs, an event sourcing library for Laravel, by demonstrating a live game called 'thunk pyramid scheme' built for the conference. He shows how event sourcing allows tracking and replaying historical events, fixing data issues by replaying events with corrected logic, and maintaining data integrity. The talk culminates in a live demonstration of fixing a game exploit by replaying events after deploying a bug fix.

Future is a thing of the past

A talk about implementing Event Sourcing in Laravel applications, focusing on domain events and how they can be used to track changes in business-critical data. The speaker explains how Event Sourcing differs from traditional CRUD operations, demonstrates implementing domain events for a board game shop example, and discusses projections, read models, and handling application state changes over time.

Flip the Switch Slowly

Daniel discusses how he used event sourcing to safely migrate a complex legacy exam system with millions of records of messy data to a new Laravel application. He shares how they gradually transitioned users while maintaining data integrity in both systems simultaneously through events, leading to the creation of Verbs - a simplified event sourcing package for Laravel.

Put Verbs in your database

Daniel Kurn presents 'Verbs', a Laravel package for event sourcing that aims to make it more ergonomic and developer-friendly. Through live coding, he demonstrates how to refactor a job application system from using traditional status columns to an event-sourced approach, showing how this better captures business requirements and handles state transitions while making it easier to track history and implement features like notifications.

Verbs and Livewire in action

Josh Hanley presents a talk about building a common language between UI and database using actions, focusing on how Livewire and Verbs can work together. He demonstrates how to implement event sourcing in Laravel applications using the Verbs package, showing how to capture user actions as events and process them consistently throughout the application stack.