Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Talks for "facades"
The Laravel Core - Demystify The Beast

A talk by Christoph Rumpel about demystifying core Laravel concepts. He explains how the request lifecycle works, explores facades and their implementation, and dives into Eloquent's inner workings. The talk aims to help developers better understand Laravel's 'magic' by examining the framework's core components and implementation details.

Testing With Fakes

This talk explores testing in Laravel with a focus on facades and test doubles. The speaker explains Martin Fowler's test double definitions (dummies, fakes, stubs, spies, and mocks) and demonstrates how to effectively use Laravel's built-in fakes for testing mail, events, jobs, and HTTP requests. The presentation emphasizes practical approaches to testing, showing how to avoid common pitfalls and achieve genuine confidence in tests rather than false confidence from incomplete assertions.