Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Talks for "build-tools" (3)

Shawn Larkin, a Microsoft program manager and webpack maintainer, gives a detailed technical overview of webpack, explaining its core concepts, architecture, and importance in modern web development. He breaks down how webpack works under the hood, covering its module bundling system, plugin architecture, and integration with various frameworks including Laravel.

Inside Vue Components

Evan You presents a detailed technical overview of Vue.js single file components, explaining their evolution from traditional web development practices, how they work under the hood, and why they were designed this way. He covers the compilation process, CSS handling, hot reloading capabilities, and compares them to native web components.

Laravel and the frontend

Jeffrey Way gives a comprehensive talk about Laravel Mix and Webpack, explaining how they work together to handle frontend asset compilation. He covers the core concepts of Webpack including entry points, output, loaders, and plugins, while demonstrating how Laravel Mix provides an elegant wrapper around Webpack's complexity. The talk includes practical examples of compiling JavaScript, CSS, and managing dependencies in Laravel applications.