Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Laracon US 2018 in Chicago, IL

Laravel Nova was officially released, providing a powerful administration panel for Laravel applications. Laravel Telescope was announced, offering improved debugging and application insights. Early concepts of Laravel Vapor were discussed during the conference.

Resisting Complexity

In this talk, Adam Lavin discusses a common misunderstanding about object-oriented programming, specifically how methods should be thought of as affordances (properties that tell you what you can do with an object) rather than abilities. He demonstrates how this shift in thinking leads to cleaner, more maintainable code through real-world examples from his course platform, including how to eliminate agent nouns, break up God objects, and when to use simple functions instead of classes.

Tour of Laravel MediaLibrary v7

A presentation about the Laravel Media Library package, which handles file uploads, media management, and image manipulations in Laravel applications. The speaker demonstrates key features including file uploads, media collections, responsive images, file optimization, and multi-disk storage support. The talk includes live coding examples showing how to implement various media handling features with minimal code.

Hurry Slowly
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Patterns That Pay Off

A detailed talk about practical design patterns and code organization in Laravel applications, focusing on when and how to implement different patterns. The speaker emphasizes writing maintainable code by making strategic decisions about pattern usage based on actual needs rather than prematurely implementing complex architectures. He covers both preventative and reactive patterns, from code organization to scaling solutions.


Jason Fried, co-founder of Basecamp, discusses their unique approach to project management and company culture. He shares insights about their six-week project cycles, asynchronous communication practices, and deliberate approach to growth and decision-making. The talk covers how Basecamp manages projects without traditional management structures, their pricing strategy changes, and their approach to hiring and firing.

Full-Stack Testing Strategies

A live coding demonstration of frontend testing in Vue.js using Jest and Vue Test Utils. The speaker builds a simple voting application for the 'GIF vs JIF' pronunciation debate, showing how to write tests for component rendering, form validation, API interactions, and asynchronous operations. The talk includes practical examples of mounting components, handling props, mocking API calls, and managing Vue's reactivity system in tests.

Laravel By The Numbers

Jason McCreary (JMac) presents data and insights gathered from Laravel Shift, an automated Laravel upgrade service that has processed over 8,400 Laravel projects. He analyzes common patterns, anti-patterns, and feature usage across Laravel applications, providing recommendations for better code organization, validation handling, event usage, and framework feature adoption.

Vue CLI Overview

The talk introduces Vue CLI 3.0, discussing how it improves upon previous versions by providing zero-configuration defaults while maintaining extensibility. The speaker demonstrates how to use Vue CLI 3.0 with Laravel projects, covering features like modern mode builds, web components, and library builds. The talk includes practical demonstrations of integrating Vue CLI 3.0 with Laravel applications and explains advanced configuration options.


Taylor Otwell presents new features in Laravel 5.5 and introduces Laravel Horizon, a new open-source queue monitoring and management dashboard. The talk covers various improvements to Laravel's core functionality including route shortcuts, blade directives, and queue management. The main highlight is the detailed demonstration of Horizon's features including real-time queue monitoring, job failure handling, auto-balancing of queue workers, and metric tracking.

Perennial Seller

In this talk, Ryan Holiday discusses how to build products and businesses that stand the test of time. He explores the concept of the Lindy Effect, which suggests that the longer something has been around, the longer it's likely to continue existing. He emphasizes focusing on timeless principles rather than trends, building genuine communities around products, and maintaining quality over chasing short-term growth.

APIs With Laravel

TJ Miller presents a comprehensive talk on building and maintaining Laravel APIs, covering best practices from planning through implementation. He emphasizes the importance of documentation, resource responses, schema validation, and maintaining API contracts while sharing practical workflows and implementation patterns developed over years of experience building critical payment processing APIs.

Learn CSS Grid

Wes Bos gives a comprehensive introduction to CSS Grid at a Laravel conference, covering the fundamentals of grid layouts, responsive design without media queries, and modern alignment techniques. Despite being primarily a JavaScript developer, he demonstrates how CSS Grid represents the future of web layouts through practical examples and real-world use cases.

Design Patterns with Laravel

The speaker presents a practical guide to understanding and implementing design patterns in Laravel applications. Starting with a story about a junior developer struggling with the Gang of Four design patterns book, he demonstrates how to make patterns more accessible by showing real-world implementations of the Adapter, Strategy, and Factory patterns using Laravel examples. The talk focuses on practical refactoring techniques and how to properly structure code using these patterns.

Embrace The Backend

The talk focuses on simplifying Laravel frontend development by reducing JavaScript complexity and leveraging more backend functionality. The speaker describes his journey from basic blade templates to Vue.js components, and then demonstrates how to improve frontend architecture by moving logic back to PHP, using props effectively, embracing form submissions, and not being afraid of page reloads when appropriate.

The Clean Coder

Bob Martin gives a talk about clean architecture, discussing how frameworks like Rails (and by extension Laravel) should not dominate application design. He emphasizes that web frameworks are just I/O devices and should be treated as plugins to the core business logic. He discusses the importance of proper architecture that allows deferring major decisions, separates business logic from delivery mechanisms, and enables easy testing. He also touches on the growing responsibility of software developers in society and the need for self-regulation through practices like TDD.