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Laracon DB
Talks for "laravel-packages" (10)
Tour of Laravel MediaLibrary v7

A presentation about the Laravel Media Library package, which handles file uploads, media management, and image manipulations in Laravel applications. The speaker demonstrates key features including file uploads, media collections, responsive images, file optimization, and multi-disk storage support. The talk includes live coding examples showing how to implement various media handling features with minimal code.


Taylor Otwell introduces Laravel Nova, a powerful admin panel system for Laravel applications. The talk demonstrates Nova's features including CRUD operations, relationships handling, custom fields, authorization, metrics/analytics, and extensibility through custom tools and components. Nova is designed to be a polished, production-ready solution that integrates seamlessly with existing Laravel applications and will be available for purchase with similar licensing to Laravel Spark.

Statamic Overview

A humorous presentation about Statamic, a flat-file CMS built on Laravel. The speaker, who lost their voice, delivers the talk in a movie trailer voice-over style, highlighting Statamic's key features, upcoming Version 3 release, and its simple pricing model of $199 per site with direct support included.

Verbs for Laravel

Daniel Coulbourne gives a talk about verbs, an event sourcing library for Laravel, by demonstrating a live game called 'thunk pyramid scheme' built for the conference. He shows how event sourcing allows tracking and replaying historical events, fixing data issues by replaying events with corrected logic, and maintaining data integrity. The talk culminates in a live demonstration of fixing a game exploit by replaying events after deploying a bug fix.

Learn to Fly with Laravel Reverb

Joe Dixon presents Laravel Reverb, a first-party package for real-time WebSocket communication. The talk covers the technical architecture of Reverb, its event loop system, and includes a live demonstration controlling a drone using WebSockets. Dixon explains how Reverb achieves efficient performance through React PHP and demonstrates its scalability through Redis pub/sub channels.

Alexa, let's build a voice powered app

In this talk, the speaker demonstrates how to build Alexa skills using PHP and the Botman framework. He walks through creating a conference information skill that can search for upcoming conferences, filter by programming language and city, and handle personalization. The talk covers the basics of Alexa skill development, including intents, slots, and sample utterances, while showing practical implementation using Laravel and Botman.

Handling media in a Laravel application

A comprehensive demonstration of the Laravel Media Library package, showing how to handle file uploads, manage media collections, generate responsive images, and optimize file storage. The speaker walks through practical examples of adding media to models, handling downloads, working with different file systems like S3, and implementing responsive image loading with automatic thumbnail generation.

Event Sourcing in Laravel

Freek van der Herten presents a practical introduction to event sourcing in Laravel using the Laravel Event Sourcing package. The talk demonstrates how to implement event sourcing through examples of projectors and aggregates using a demo banking application called Larabank. The presentation covers both basic concepts and practical implementations, showing how event sourcing can be particularly useful for applications requiring audit trails and historical state reconstruction.

Flip The Switch Slowly

Daniel discusses how he used event sourcing to safely migrate a complex legacy exam system with millions of records of messy data to a new Laravel application. He shares how they gradually transitioned users while maintaining data integrity in both systems simultaneously through events, leading to the creation of Verbs - a simplified event sourcing package for Laravel.

Put Verbs in your database

Daniel Kurn presents 'Verbs', a Laravel package for event sourcing that aims to make it more ergonomic and developer-friendly. Through live coding, he demonstrates how to refactor a job application system from using traditional status columns to an event-sourced approach, showing how this better captures business requirements and handles state transitions while making it easier to track history and implement features like notifications.