A presentation about building a real-time dashboard using Laravel, Vue.js, and Pusher. The speaker demonstrates how to create a dynamic dashboard that displays various data like Twitter feeds, weather updates, package statistics, and team tasks. The dashboard updates in real-time using WebSockets through Pusher, with local storage for state management and a responsive design that works well on TV displays using a Raspberry Pi.
Caleb Corzio presents the launch of Livewire V3, showcasing major improvements and new features. The talk demonstrates how Livewire has been rebuilt on Alpine.js, introducing more efficient DOM diffing, request bundling, improved component nesting, and developer tools. Key highlights include new PHP attributes for validation, reactive components, streaming capabilities, and a new debugging tool called Wiretap.
Joe Dixon presents Laravel Reverb, a first-party package for real-time WebSocket communication. The talk covers the technical architecture of Reverb, its event loop system, and includes a live demonstration controlling a drone using WebSockets. Dixon explains how Reverb achieves efficient performance through React PHP and demonstrates its scalability through Redis pub/sub channels.
Taylor Otwell presents new features in Laravel 5.3 at Laracon EU. He covers improvements to queues, file storage, notifications system, and introduces Laravel Echo for real-time features. The talk demonstrates practical examples of each feature, showing how Laravel 5.3 makes PHP development more accessible while keeping pace with modern web development trends.
A presentation about building real-time dashboards using Laravel, Livewire, and the Laravel Dashboard package. The speaker demonstrates how to create dynamic dashboard tiles that auto-refresh and display various data sources like Google Calendar events and Twitter feeds. The talk includes live coding demonstrations and explains the underlying architecture of the dashboard package.
A detailed presentation about creating real-time dashboards using Laravel, Vue.js, and Pusher. The speaker demonstrates how to build a dashboard that displays various information like Twitter feeds, package statistics, and weather data in real-time using WebSockets. The talk includes live coding demonstrations and explains how to deploy the dashboard on a Raspberry Pi connected to a TV screen.
A comprehensive talk about Laravel's notification system delivered at Laracon, demonstrating how to implement different types of notifications including email, database, Slack, and real-time notifications using WebSockets. The speaker shows practical examples using Laravel Nova and demonstrates live notification broadcasting, concluding with implementing a Twitter notification integration.
A presentation about building real-time dashboards using Laravel, Livewire, and the Laravel Dashboard package. The speaker demonstrates how to create dynamic dashboard tiles that auto-refresh and display various data sources like Google Calendar events and Twitter feeds. The talk includes live coding demonstrations and explains the underlying architecture of the dashboard package.
Kevin Dunglas introduces FrankenPHP, a modern PHP application server that replaces traditional PHP-FPM/Apache setups. He explains how FrankenPHP simplifies deployment, improves performance through Laravel Octane integration, and offers features like HTTP/3 support and built-in Mercure for real-time capabilities. The talk covers both basic usage and advanced features like packaging PHP applications as standalone binaries.
Taylor Otwell presents upcoming features in Laravel 11, focusing on a simplified application structure with reduced boilerplate files and improved developer experience. He also announces Laravel Herd Pro with debugging features, Herd for Windows, and Laravel Reverb - a new websocket server. The talk emphasizes Laravel's continued evolution toward a more streamlined, modern framework while maintaining backward compatibility.
Joe Dixon presents Laravel Reverb, a new websocket server for Laravel applications that enables real-time communication. The talk demonstrates how to implement real-time messaging, typing indicators, and presence detection using Reverb alongside Laravel's existing broadcasting capabilities. The presentation includes a live demonstration building a Slack-like chat interface and highlights Reverb's seamless integration with Laravel Forge and Pulse.