Laracon DB
Laracon DB
Talks for "css" (10)
Learn CSS Grid

Wes Bos gives a comprehensive introduction to CSS Grid at a Laravel conference, covering the fundamentals of grid layouts, responsive design without media queries, and modern alignment techniques. Despite being primarily a JavaScript developer, he demonstrates how CSS Grid represents the future of web layouts through practical examples and real-world use cases.

Tailwind CSS Best Practice Patterns

Adam Wathan presents a comprehensive overview of Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. He demonstrates how to effectively use Tailwind's utility classes, explains best practices for component extraction, and shows how to handle animations and responsive design. The talk includes practical examples of extending the framework and optimizing file size using PurgeCSS.

How to Think Like a Visual Designer

Steve presents a detailed walkthrough of his visual design process while redesigning a website for Tuple, a remote pair programming tool. He explains key design principles like content-first approach, layout exploration, typography choices, color theory, and creating visual hierarchy through spacing and contrast. The talk includes practical examples and comparisons between typical developer approaches and professional design techniques.

Designing a Component Library

Adam Wathan shares insights and techniques from his experience building component libraries, focusing on flexible and maintainable approaches using CSS and Tailwind. He demonstrates patterns for handling responsive layouts, touch targets, and complex styling challenges without relying on excessive JavaScript or props.

Building Design Components with Tailwind

Chris Sev demonstrates how to build modern web design components using Tailwind CSS, contrasting it with traditional approaches like Bootstrap. He walks through creating navigation, buttons, cards, and forms while explaining Tailwind's utility-first approach and showing how it enables rapid prototyping without writing custom CSS.

Explore The Art Of Customising Tailwindcss

Shti Balasa gives a comprehensive talk about best practices for customizing Tailwind CSS, focusing on when and how to customize the framework effectively. The speaker emphasizes maintainable approaches to customization, discusses where to place customizations (CSS vs JavaScript config), and demonstrates how to create custom plugins and components while maintaining good developer experience.

A real-life journey into the opinionated world of 'utility-first' CSS

Simon Vrachliotis shares his journey of refactoring a website's CSS using utility-first CSS methodology. He describes how he transformed from being skeptical of utility classes to becoming a strong advocate after successfully refactoring an entire website while camping with his family. The talk covers the benefits of utility-first CSS, including reduced CSS anxiety, faster development speed, and better maintainability, while drawing parallels to how Dick Fosbury revolutionized high jump technique despite initial skepticism.

CSS Grid: What is this magic?!

This talk provides a comprehensive introduction to CSS Grid, covering its evolution from early web layouts through to modern implementation. The speaker demonstrates practical examples of building a note-taking app layout using CSS Grid, discusses browser support including IE compatibility issues, and shares various learning resources. The talk emphasizes CSS Grid's advantages over older layout methods and shows how to implement responsive layouts with features like auto-fill and subgrid.

Unleashing designers with Tailwind

Simon Vrachliotis discusses how Tailwind CSS serves as an effective collaboration tool between designers and developers. He shares experiences of designers, particularly Chris Dale, successfully transitioning to writing production code using Tailwind CSS. The talk emphasizes how Tailwind's utility-first approach bridges the gap between design and development by providing a familiar mental model for designers while maintaining development efficiency.

CSS Grid and Flexbox

Rachel Andrew gives a comprehensive overview of modern CSS layout techniques, focusing on CSS Grid and Flexbox. She explains how these new layout methods provide better control over alignment, responsiveness, and separation of content from display compared to older techniques like floats. She discusses browser support, feature queries for progressive enhancement, and practical implementation strategies.